80-Bus News


March–April 1984, Volume 3, Issue 2

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Dis-assembly of NASCOM ROM BASIC Ver 4.7                PAGE    78

F7A1 C1         RESDIV: POP     BC              ; Restore divisor
F7A2 E1                 POP     HL
F7A3 79                 LD      A,C             ; Get MSB of quotient
F7A4 3C                 INC     A
F7A5 3D                 DEC     A
F7A6 1F                 RRA                     ; Bit 0 to bit 7
F7A7 FA54F6             JP      M,RONDB         ; Done - Normalise result
F7AA 17                 RLA                     ; Restore carry
F7AB 7B                 LD      A,E             ; Get LSB of quotient
F7AC 17                 RLA                     ; Double it
F7AD 5F                 LD      E,A             ; Put it back
F7AE 7A                 LD      A,D             ; Get NMSB of quotient
F7AF 17                 RLA                     ; Double it
F7B0 57                 LD      D,A             ; Put it back
F7B1 79                 LD      A,C             ; Get MSB of quotient
F7B2 17                 RLA                     ; Double it
F7B3 4F                 LD      C,A             ; Put it back
F7B4 29                 ADD     HL,HL           ; Double NMSB,LSB of divisor
F7B5 78                 LD      A,B             ; Get MSB of divisor
F7B6 17                 RLA                     ; Double it
F7B7 47                 LD      B,A             ; Put it back
F7B8 3A1510             LD      A,(DIV4)        ; Get VLSB of quotient
F7BB 17                 RLA                     ; Double it
F7BC 321510             LD      (DIV4),A        ; Put it back
F7BF 79                 LD      A,C             ; Get MSB of quotient
F7C0 B2                 OR      D               ; Merge NMSB
F7C1 B3                 OR      E               ; Merge LSB
F7C2 C28EF7             JP      NZ,DIVLP        ; Not done - Keep dividing
F7C5 E5                 PUSH    HL              ; Save divisor
F7C6 21E710             LD      HL,FPEXP        ; Point to exponent
F7C9 35                 DEC     (HL)            ; Divide by 2
F7CA E1                 POP     HL              ; Restore divisor
F7CB C28EF7             JP      NZ,DIVLP        ; Ok - Keep going
F7CE C3BCE3             JP      OVERR           ; Overflow error

F7D1 78         ADDEXP: LD      A,B             ; Get exponent of dividend
F7D2 B7                 OR      A               ; Test it
F7D3 CAF5F7             JP      Z,OVTST3        ; Zero - Result zero
F7D6 7D                 LD      A,L             ; Get add/subtract flag
F7D7 21E710             LD      HL,FPEXP        ; Point to exponent
F7DA AE                 XOR     (HL)            ; Add or subtract it
F7DB 80                 ADD     A,B             ; Add the other exponent
F7DC 47                 LD      B,A             ; Save new exponent
F7DD 1F                 RRA                     ; Test exponent for overflow
F7DE A8                 XOR     B
F7DF 78                 LD      A,B             ; Get exponent
F7E0 F2F4F7             JP      P,OVTST2        ; Positive - Test for overflow
F7E3 C680               ADD     A,80H           ; Add excess 128
F7E5 77                 LD      (HL),A          ; Save new exponent
F7E6 CA54F7             JP      Z,POPHRT        ; Zero - Result zero
F7E9 CD79F8             CALL    SIGNS           ; Set MSBs and sign of result
F7EC 77                 LD      (HL),A          ; Save new exponent
F7ED 2B                 DEC     HL              ; Point to MSB
F7EE C9                 RET
Dis-assembly of NASCOM ROM BASIC Ver 4.7                PAGE    79

F7EF CD13F8     OVTST1: CALL    TSTSGN          ; Test sign of FPREG
F7F2 2F                 CPL                     ; Invert sign
F7F3 E1                 POP     HL              ; Clean up stack
F7F4 B7         OVTST2: OR      A               ; Test if new exponent zero
F7F5 E1         OVTST3: POP     HL              ; Clear off return address
F7F6 F233F6             JP      P,RESZER        ; Result zero
F7F9 C3BCE3             JP      OVERR           ; Overflow error

F7FC CD5FF8     MLSP10: CALL    BCDEFP          ; Move FPREG to BCDE
F7FF 78                 LD      A,B             ; Get exponent
F800 B7                 OR      A               ; Is it zero?
F801 C8                 RET     Z               ; Yes - Result is zero
F802 C602               ADD     A,2             ; Multiply by 4
F804 DABCE3             JP      C,OVERR         ; Overflow - ?OV Error
F807 47                 LD      B,A             ; Re-save exponent
F808 CDCDF5             CALL    FPADD           ; Add BCDE to FPREG (Times 5)
F80B 21E710             LD      HL,FPEXP        ; Point to exponent
F80E 34                 INC     (HL)            ; Double number (Times 10)
F80F C0                 RET     NZ              ; Ok - Return
F810 C3BCE3             JP      OVERR           ; Overflow error

F813 3AE710     TSTSGN: LD      A,(FPEXP)       ; Get sign of FPREG
F816 B7                 OR      A
F817 C8                 RET     Z               ; RETurn if number is zero
F818 3AE610             LD      A,(FPREG+2)     ; Get MSB of FPREG
F81B FE                 DEFB    (CP 2FH         ; Test sign
F81C 2F         RETREL: CPL                     ; Invert sign
F81D 17                 RLA                     ; Sign bit to carry
F81E 9F         FLGDIF: SBC     A,A             ; Carry to all bits of A
F81F C0                 RET     NZ              ; Return -1 if negative
F820 3C                 INC     A               ; Bump to +1
F821 C9                 RET                     ; Positive - Return +1

F822 CD13F8     SGN:    CALL    TSTSGN          ; Test sign of FPREG
F825 0688       FLGREL: LD      B,80H+8         ; 8 bit integer in exponent
F827 110000             LD      DE,0            ; Zero NMSB and LSB
F82A 21E710     RETINT: LD      HL,FPEXP        ; Point to exponent
F82D 4F                 LD      C,A             ; CDE = MSB,NMSB and LSB
F82E 70                 LD      (HL),B          ; Save exponent
F82F 0600               LD      B,0             ; CDE = integer to normalise
F831 23                 INC     HL              ; Point to sign of result
F832 3680               LD      (HL),80H        ; Set sign of result
F834 17                 RLA                     ; Carry = sign of integer
F835 C31BF6             JP      CONPOS          ; Set sign of result

NASCOM ROM BASIC source code is available in ASM and LST file format.

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