80-Bus News


September–October 1983, Volume 2, Issue 5

Page 38 of 67
Dis-assembly of NASCOM ROM BASIC Ver 4.7                PAGE    37

EA70 013A       DATA:   DEFB    (LD BC,":")     ; ":" End of statement
EA72 0E00       REM:    LD      C,0             ; 00  End of statement
EA74 0600               LD      B,0
EA76 79         NXTSTL: LD      A,C             ; Statement and byte
EA77 48                 LD      C,B
EA78 47                 LD      B,A             ; Statement end byte
EA79 7E         NXTSTT: LD      A,(HL)          ; Get byte
EA7A B7                 OR      A               ; End of line?
EA7B C8                 RET     Z               ; Yes - Exit
EA7C B8                 CP      B               ; End of statement?
EA7D C8                 RET     Z               ; Yes - Exit
EA7E 23                 INC     HL              ; Next byte
EA7F FE22               CP      '"'             ; Literal string?
EA81 CA76EA             JP      Z,NXTSTL        ; Yes - Look for another '"'
EA84 C379EA             JP      NXTSTT          ; Keep looking

EA87 CD2DEF     LET:    CALL    GETVAR          ; Get variable name
EA8A CD90E6             CALL    CHKSYN          ; Make sure "=" follows
EA8D B4                 DEFB    ZEQUAL          ; "=" token
EA8E D5                 PUSH    DE              ; Save address of variable
EA8F 3AAD10             LD      A,(TYPE)        ; Get data type
EA92 F5                 PUSH    AF              ; Save type
EA93 CD5AED             CALL    EVAL            ; Evaluate expression
EA96 F1                 POP     AF              ; Restore type
EA97 E3                 EX      (SP),HL         ; Save code - Get var addr
EA98 22CE10             LD      (BRKLIN),HL     ; Save address of variable
EA9B 1F                 RRA                     ; Adjust type
EA9C CD46ED             CALL    CHKTYP          ; Check types are the same
EA9F CADAEA             JP      Z,LETNUM        ; Numeric - Move value
EAA2 E5         LETSTR: PUSH    HL              ; Save address of string var
EAA3 2AE410             LD      HL,(FPREG)      ; Pointer to string entry
EAA6 E5                 PUSH    HL              ; Save it on stack
EAA7 23                 INC     HL              ; Skip over length
EAA8 23                 INC     HL
EAA9 5E                 LD      E,(HL)          ; LSB of string address
EAAA 23                 INC     HL
EAAB 56                 LD      D,(HL)          ; MSB of string address
EAAC 2A5E10             LD      HL,(BASTXT)     ; Point to start of program
EAAF CD8AE6             CALL    CPDEHL          ; Is string before program?
EAB2 D2C9EA             JP      NC,CRESTR       ; Yes - Create string entry
EAB5 2A5A10             LD      HL,(STRSPC)     ; Point to string space
EAB8 CD8AE6             CALL    CPDEHL          ; Is string literal in program?
EABB D1                 POP     DE              ; Restore address of string
EABC D2D1EA             JP      NC,MVSTPT       ; Yes - Set up pointer
EABF 21BF10             LD      HL,TMPSTR       ; Temporary string pool
EAC2 CD8AE6             CALL    CPDEHL          ; Is string in temporary pool?
EAC5 D2D1EA             JP      NC,MVSTPT       ; No - Set up pointer
EAC8 3E                 DEFB    (LD A,n)        ; Skip "POP DE"
EAC9 D1         CRESTR: POP     DE              ; Restore address of string
EACA CD71F3             CALL    BAKTMP          ; Back to last tmp-str entry
EACD EB                 EX      DE,HL           ; Address of string entry
EACE CDAAF1             CALL    SAVSTR          ; Save string in string area
EAD1 CD71F3     MVSTPT: CALL    BAKTMP          ; Back to last tmp-str entry
EAD4 E1                 POP     HL              ; Get string pointer
EAD5 CD6EF8             CALL    DETHL4          ; Move string pointer to var
EAD8 E1                 POP     HL              ; Restore code string address
EAD9 C9                 RET
Dis-assembly of NASCOM ROM BASIC Ver 4.7                PAGE    38

EADA E5         LETNUM: PUSH    HL              ; Save address of variable
EADB CD6BF8             CALL    FPTHL           ; Move value to variable
EADE D1                 POP     DE              ; Restore address of variable
EADF E1                 POP     HL              ; Restore code string address
EAE0 C9                 RET

EAE1 CD84F4     ON:     CALL    GETINT          ; Get integer 0-255
EAE4 7E                 LD      A,(HL)          ; Get "GOTO" or "GOSUB" token
EAE5 47                 LD      B,A             ; Save in B
EAE6 FE8C               CP      ZGOSUB          ; "GOSUB" token?
EAE8 CAF0EA             JP      Z,ONGO          ; Yes - Find line number
EAEB CD90E6             CALL    CHKSYN          ; Make sure it's "GOTO"
EAEE 88                 DEFB    ZGOTO           ; "GOTO" token
EAEF 2B                 DEC     HL              ; Cancel increment
EAF0 4B         ONGO:   LD      C,E             ; Integer of branch value
EAF1 0D         ONGOLP: DEC     C               ; Count branches
EAF2 78                 LD      A,B             ; Get "GOTO" or "GOSUB" token
EAF3 CA1EE8             JP      Z,ONJMP         ; Go to that line if right one
EAF6 CDA6E9             CALL    GETLN           ; Get line number to DE
EAF9 FE2C               CP      ","             ; Another line number?
EAFB C0                 RET     NZ              ; No - Drop through
EAFC C3F1EA             JP      ONGOLP          ; Yes - loop

EAFF CD5AED     IF:     CALL    EVAL            ; Evaluate expression
EB02 7E                 LD      A,(HL)          ; Get token
EB03 FE88               CP      ZGOTO           ; "GOTO" token?
EB05 CA0DEB             JP      Z,IFGO          ; Yes - Get line
EB08 CD90E6             CALL    CHKSYN          ; Make sure it's "THEN"
EB0B A9                 DEFB    ZTHEN           ; "THEN" token
EB0C 2B                 DEC     HL              ; Cancel increment
EB0D CD44ED     IFGO:   CALL    TSTNUM          ; Make sure it's numeric
EB10 CD13F8             CALL    TSTSGN          ; Test state of expression
EB13 CA72EA             JP      Z,REM           ; False - Drop through
EB16 CD36E8             CALL    GETCHR          ; Get next character
EB19 DA2DEA             JP      C,GOTO          ; Number - GOTO that line
EB1C C31DE8             JP      IFJMP           ; Otherwise do statement

Go to part 4 of NASCOM ROM BASIC dis-assembled.

NASCOM ROM BASIC source code is available in ASM and LST file format.

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